Frequently Asked Questions About Teaching Jobs in Brunei

When considering whether or not to apply and before accepting a new teaching job Brunei we understand you and your family will have many questions.  We’ve compiled this list of frequently asked questions and answers – specific to teaching jobs in Brunei. 

The information below does not necessarily apply to all our international teaching jobs and is specific only to those currently offered in Brunei.  For specifics on jobs in other locations, please refer to the details for individual teaching jobs by clicking here.

How does the application process work?

To start please visit our Open Roles page on our website by clicking here and review the job descriptions for a role that interests you.  There is no registration process and zero cost for teachers to use our site. If you decide that one of our teaching jobs in Brunei interests you and matches your experience / qualifications, then fill in the short questionnaire and upload your CV and Cover Letter (5 mins max).

Byron Recruitment will review your CV and the questionnaire, then arrange a Skype screening call with you in order to further discuss the role, to better understand your qualifications and answer any questions you might have.  Once both parties have decided to move forward a full application form will need to be completed by the candidate.  This form and the required supporting documentation (see below) will be forwarded to Byron Recruitment for review and to ensure the best possible presentation of you and your qualifications is put forth.

Byron Recruitment will contact our partner in Brunei and submit your application along with our recommendation for an interview.  Provided our partner agrees with our recommendation, a video interview will be set-up with one of the line managers on the project and an HR representative from their office in Brunei.  Byron Recruitment will help you prepare for a successful interview.  Normally decisions are made regarding teaching jobs in Brunei within 2 weeks of an interview.

What documentation is required as part of my application?

    • A completed application form (as supplied by Byron Recruitment)
    • Your CV
    • One passport-size photograph
    • Copies of certificates and transcripts from completed university and college courses
    • Two recent confidential professional testimonials from schools where you have worked.  With your permission, Byron Recruitment will contact your referees directly to obtain this information.
    • A copy of your teaching licence / certification and/or a copy of your police check
    • A copy of your passport details page
  • Successful candidates will be required to undergo a medical examination shortly after starting their teaching job in Brunei

How much will I earn?

Our client pays a very competitive wage which when combined with other benefits, the low cost of living and the tax free status in Brunei results in a solid amount of disposable income.  Wages are calculated on a pre-determined pay-scale based on qualifications and experience (please see the detailed application form specifics).  Benefits include, but are not limited to, paid furnished accommodation, return flights, baggage allowance, tuition for up to 2 children at an approved private school, professional development opportunities, interest free car and computer loans, group health insurance, a contract completion bonus and an arrival allowance to help get you settled.  Many teachers are comfortably able to save between 30% – 50% of their monthly salary.

How long are contracts?

Initial contracts for teaching jobs in Brunei are 2 years in length.  In the event a teacher starts mid year, the contract will be prorated to the end of the 2nd year.  Subsequent contract extensions if agreed by both parties will be 1 or 2 years in length.  An annual flight allowance will be paid at the end of the contract for those that extend their stay in Brunei.

What are the minimum required qualifications for one of these positions?

Candidates for teaching jobs in Brunei should have an undergraduate degree from a university in Canada, Ireland, UK, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand.  Candidates should be native speakers and have completed their basic education from one of the countries above. Candidates are required to have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), obtained from one of these countries and in the form of a PGCE, a Diploma in Teaching, a Diploma in Education or a Bachelor Degree in Education.  Teachers are required to have a minimum of 3 years relevant in class experience since obtaining their QTS.  Teachers must have a valid drivers licence.  Experience and/or certification as an EFL teacher is an asset when applying for teaching jobs in Brunei.

I don’t have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), can I still apply for teaching jobs in Brunei?

Our partner requires that all candidates have their QTS in order to be considered for one of the teaching jobs in Brunei.  For these positions, Qualified Teacher Status means you have met the statutory requirements to teach in primary or secondary schools in one of the following countries – Canada, Ireland, UK, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.  Teachers must have a minimum of 3 years in class teaching experience with relevant aged students since qualifying as a teacher.  Teachers must also have at least one year of full-time relevant classroom experience prior to taking up a position in Brunei.  If you don’t meet these criteria, please visit our Open Roles page at to see if another opportunity better suits your experience and qualifications.

What’s it like to work at Bruneian school?

Our partner works with the Ministry of Education and successful teachers are placed in a local school where they are employed as part of the faculty.  They report to the school’s principal as well as to one of our partner’s line managers for international teachers.  Typically 3-5 international teachers work at each school.  English is the primary language of instruction in schools in Brunei.  International teachers teach English to second language learners.

Schools and class sizes vary.  Primary schools average approximately 300 – 400 students and typically have smaller classes of 10 – 15 students, while secondary schools have populations of approximately 1500 students and class sizes normally range from 20-25 students.  Students tend to be well behaved and respectful towards teachers.  Behavior issues are not common.

What is the curriculum in Brunei?

English is the primary language of instruction in Brunei.  The Ministry of Education follows a mostly British based curriculum.  IGCSE and O Level courses provide the outline for instruction in Brunei.

What resources and technology are available when teaching in Brunei?

Resources can vary from school to school.  Some schools are brand new and have modern technology readily available.  It’s not uncommon to have access to technology like computers, projectors, and/or interactive whiteboards.  While other schools rely on older tools like traditional whiteboards and overhead projectors.  The majority of schools will have reliable wi-fi and a computer lab, but this cannot be guaranteed for all schools.  Our partner supplements the resources available at schools by providing access to 3 resource centers / libraries across the country. In addition, an interest free loan can be arranged for the purchase of a personal computer.

What is an average work week like?

In Brunei the school week is split Mondays to Thursdays plus Saturdays.  Friday and Sunday are days off.  Teaching hours are typically between 7:30 am and 12:30 pm and include approximately 14-16 contact hours per week.  There are a maximum of 6 teaching periods per day.  In addition, teachers are required to participate in 4 weekly ‘stay-backs’ for an additional 6 hours per week.  This time is dedicated to class planning / preparation, professional development, faculty meetings and extracurricular activities.

What are the holidays like in Brunei

The school year follows the calendar and begins in January.  There is a 2 week break in March and June, one week in September and most of the month of December is also devoted to holidays.  In addition there are numerous long weekends and religious holidays.  In all there are between 10 and 11 weeks of holidays per year.

Why do I need a valid drivers licence?

Teaching jobs in Brunei requires that you can transport yourself to work and home every day.  Due to the limited public transport system, a personal vehicle is essential. Our partner will provide you with a zero interest car loan of up to BN $10,000 should you require it.  There is a thriving pre-owned vehicle market in Brunei and it is fairly easy to buy and sell used vehicles.

Is there an age restriction for teaching jobs in Brunei?

Unfortunately the government of Brunei will not grant working visas to individuals over the age of 55 years.  Once employed in Brunei visas can be extended to individuals up to their 64th birthday.

What’s it like to live in Brunei?

Please see our blog entry ‘What Is It Like Living in Brunei?’ for information.

Please feel free to email us directly at or visit our website at contact us on our webpage in the event we’ve missed a key question or if you require further clarification on any of the questions above.  

If you are interested in one of our teaching jobs in Brunei click here to apply.

Contact us today

to learn more or with any questions.